elise edward

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5 Creative Ways to use Plain Greek Yogurt

Nutrition Tips

Greek yogurt has been a trendy food item in the U.S. for a while now and it’s still growing in popularity. You may remember back when the only yogurt options were a few Yoplait flavors and, my favorite as a kid, Go-Gurt. Now the yogurt section is bursting with so many types, brands, flavors, and even varieties of non-dairy yogurt! When shopping for yogurt, remember that not all yogurts are created equal- if you’re looking for the high-protein and gut-healthy probiotic benefits of yogurt, make sure it’s the Greek variety. The distinct taste of plain Greek yogurt is usually…an acquired taste. I wouldn’t recommend having a big ol’ bowl of it on its own, but when mixed with the right ingredients or used in recipes, Greek yogurt is such a versatile, nutritious food to have on hand at all times! Below are some of my favorite ways to use plain Greek yogurt:

1. Make Tzatziki: the name may look unfamiliar, but have you ever had a gyro with a creamy spread, or been to a Greek restaurant and had that amazing creamy dip served with pita bread? THAT’S tzatziki! It’s so fresh and delicious, and, in my opinion, a totally underrated dip and/or spread. As you may have guessed, using Greek yogurt for this recipe is not a substitute like some of the other ideas here. Tzatziki is a traditional Greek dip originally made with Greek yogurt. Here’s how you can make it at home:

  • Ingredients: 1.5 cups Greek yogurt, ½ large cucumber, 2-4 garlic cloves, 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, 1 tbsp lemon juice, ½ tsp salt, 1 tbsp fresh or dried dill.
  • Directions: chop garlic and combine all ingredients except cucumber and salt in a bowl. Cover, and let the mixture sit in the fridge overnight (this helps the fresh garlic taste less intense, if you’re in a hurry you can skip the overnight resting). Grate the half cucumber with skin on and sprinkle with salt. Let this sit a few minutes to draw out the water. Then wrap the grated cucumber up in a cheese cloth and squeeze out/discard the excess water. Mix the cucumber into the yogurt mixture and serve! Best served chilled with pita bread and fresh veggies like bell pepper, carrots, or sugar snap peas.

2. Unicorn bark!: I love this recipe. It’s so easy and fun, and you can keep it in the freezer for a sweet treat for months. Here’s what you do:

  • Choose at least 3 fruits that would produce some colorful juice. I would suggest mango, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, cherries, or yellow peaches. Cut the fruit into small pieces (1/2 inch pieces would probably be best) and place each fruit into its own small, microwave-safe bowl. Microwave each bowl of fruit for about 1 minute and then mash up the fruit till you can get a nice consistency. It doesn’t need to be perfectly smooth but as smooth as you can get it.
  • Now you should have at least 3 separate bowls of fruit mash/puree. Add 1 cup of plain Greek yogurt to each bowl and mix. If you’d like it sweeter, add 1 tbsp honey or a few dashes of stevia to each bowl.
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and empty each bowl onto the sheet in separate places. Now the trick is to mix the colors together without blending them into one unified color. I like to drag a skewer or even the tip of a baking spatula throughout the sheet to create a beautiful almost tie-dye like pattern.
  • Top with your favorite toppings: nuts, seeds, sprinkles, shredded coconut, etc. When you’re done, pop the whole baking sheet into the freezer and freeze for 3 hours. Break the large sheet into smaller pieces and store in the freezer in an airtight container.

3. Make a marinade: using Greek yogurt in a marinade is GENIUS because it serves 2 purposes: it provides an amazing tangy flavor and also helps to tenderize the meat. Acids like citrus or vinegar are also great tenderizers because it helps to break down the connective tissues in the meats. Lucky for us this recipe calls for both yogurt and lemon juice!

  • Ingredients: 1/3 cup plain Greek yogurt, ¼ cup lemon juice, ¼ cup olive oil, 5 minced garlic cloves, 1 tsp lemon zest, 2 tbsp dried oregano, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp fresh ground pepper.
  • Directions: Mix all ingredients well. Use half the mix to marinate raw chicken, ideally at least 30 minutes but not more than a few hours. Set half aside if you’d like to baste chicken while cooking. Remember, do not reuse marinade that was used for raw chicken! Setting aside half to use for basting is the best plan.

4. Smoothies: for those that want to make a quick on-the-go breakfast, smoothies can be an amazing thing. The problem is, smoothies can be a high-carb, low protein trap. The secret to making a great, well rounded smoothie that will truly keep you full till lunch is PROTEIN! Plain Greek yogurt is a great addition to any mix of fruits you prefer. It adds protein, a creamy texture, and a tart flavor that works so well with almost any fruit combination. Add about 1/3 to ½ cup plain Greek yogurt to any smoothie and BOOM- you have a breakfast that contains both carbs and protein. For more smoothie tips and ingredient ideas, check my pervious blog post Blood Sugar Balancing Smoothie

5. Use in place of sour cream: When discussing breakfast ideas, I often ask clients if they like Greek yogurt. Usually I hear “I tried it and I really don’t like it!” but then, come to find out, they tried a big ol’ spoonful of plain Greek yogurt expecting the sweet smooth flavor of traditional yogurt, and instead they are met with the extra intense, tart plain Greek yogurt. The truth is, plain Greek yogurt tastes similar to sour cream, but thats what makes it so versatile! It can be used to tame sweet dishes, or in place of sour cream in any dish. My favorite ways to use it as a replacement is to spread it on warm corn tortillas before adding eggs (breakfast tacos) or any meat. It also works in chili, curry, soups, or in/on enchiladas.
If you’re unsure about this magical ingredient, start with a single 6oz. serving of Greek yogurt and test it out. I’m sure once you try it you’ll be buying the big tub and using it daily! Do you have other great ways to use Greek yogurt? Let me know on my instagram post!

5 Creative Ways to use Plain Greek Yogurt

Nutrition Tips

Greek yogurt has been a trendy food item in the U.S. for a while now and it’s still growing in popularity. You may remember back when the only yogurt options were a few Yoplait flavors and, my favorite as a kid, Go-Gurt. Now the yogurt section is bursting with so many types, brands, flavors, and even varieties of non-dairy yogurt! When shopping for yogurt, remember that not all yogurts are created equal- if you’re looking for the high-protein and gut-healthy probiotic benefits of yogurt, make sure it’s the Greek variety. The distinct taste of plain Greek yogurt is usually…an acquired taste. I wouldn’t recommend having a big ol’ bowl of it on its own, but when mixed with the right ingredients or used in recipes, Greek yogurt is such a versatile, nutritious food to have on hand at all times! Below are some of my favorite ways to use plain Greek yogurt:

1. Make Tzatziki: the name may look unfamiliar, but have you ever had a gyro with a creamy spread, or been to a Greek restaurant and had that amazing creamy dip served with pita bread? THAT’S tzatziki! It’s so fresh and delicious, and, in my opinion, a totally underrated dip and/or spread. As you may have guessed, using Greek yogurt for this recipe is not a substitute like some of the other ideas here. Tzatziki is a traditional Greek dip originally made with Greek yogurt. Here’s how you can make it at home:

  • Ingredients: 1.5 cups Greek yogurt, ½ large cucumber, 2-4 garlic cloves, 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, 1 tbsp lemon juice, ½ tsp salt, 1 tbsp fresh or dried dill.
  • Directions: chop garlic and combine all ingredients except cucumber and salt in a bowl. Cover, and let the mixture sit in the fridge overnight (this helps the fresh garlic taste less intense, if you’re in a hurry you can skip the overnight resting). Grate the half cucumber with skin on and sprinkle with salt. Let this sit a few minutes to draw out the water. Then wrap the grated cucumber up in a cheese cloth and squeeze out/discard the excess water. Mix the cucumber into the yogurt mixture and serve! Best served chilled with pita bread and fresh veggies like bell pepper, carrots, or sugar snap peas.

2. Unicorn bark!: I love this recipe. It’s so easy and fun, and you can keep it in the freezer for a sweet treat for months. Here’s what you do:

  • Choose at least 3 fruits that would produce some colorful juice. I would suggest mango, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, cherries, or yellow peaches. Cut the fruit into small pieces (1/2 inch pieces would probably be best) and place each fruit into its own small, microwave-safe bowl. Microwave each bowl of fruit for about 1 minute and then mash up the fruit till you can get a nice consistency. It doesn’t need to be perfectly smooth but as smooth as you can get it.
  • Now you should have at least 3 separate bowls of fruit mash/puree. Add 1 cup of plain Greek yogurt to each bowl and mix. If you’d like it sweeter, add 1 tbsp honey or a few dashes of stevia to each bowl.
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and empty each bowl onto the sheet in separate places. Now the trick is to mix the colors together without blending them into one unified color. I like to drag a skewer or even the tip of a baking spatula throughout the sheet to create a beautiful almost tie-dye like pattern.
  • Top with your favorite toppings: nuts, seeds, sprinkles, shredded coconut, etc. When you’re done, pop the whole baking sheet into the freezer and freeze for 3 hours. Break the large sheet into smaller pieces and store in the freezer in an airtight container.

3. Make a marinade: using Greek yogurt in a marinade is GENIUS because it serves 2 purposes: it provides an amazing tangy flavor and also helps to tenderize the meat. Acids like citrus or vinegar are also great tenderizers because it helps to break down the connective tissues in the meats. Lucky for us this recipe calls for both yogurt and lemon juice!

  • Ingredients: 1/3 cup plain Greek yogurt, ¼ cup lemon juice, ¼ cup olive oil, 5 minced garlic cloves, 1 tsp lemon zest, 2 tbsp dried oregano, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp fresh ground pepper.
  • Directions: Mix all ingredients well. Use half the mix to marinate raw chicken, ideally at least 30 minutes but not more than a few hours. Set half aside if you’d like to baste chicken while cooking. Remember, do not reuse marinade that was used for raw chicken! Setting aside half to use for basting is the best plan.

4. Smoothies: for those that want to make a quick on-the-go breakfast, smoothies can be an amazing thing. The problem is, smoothies can be a high-carb, low protein trap. The secret to making a great, well rounded smoothie that will truly keep you full till lunch is PROTEIN! Plain Greek yogurt is a great addition to any mix of fruits you prefer. It adds protein, a creamy texture, and a tart flavor that works so well with almost any fruit combination. Add about 1/3 to ½ cup plain Greek yogurt to any smoothie and BOOM- you have a breakfast that contains both carbs and protein. For more smoothie tips and ingredient ideas, check my pervious blog post Blood Sugar Balancing Smoothie

5. Use in place of sour cream: When discussing breakfast ideas, I often ask clients if they like Greek yogurt. Usually I hear “I tried it and I really don’t like it!” but then, come to find out, they tried a big ol’ spoonful of plain Greek yogurt expecting the sweet smooth flavor of traditional yogurt, and instead they are met with the extra intense, tart plain Greek yogurt. The truth is, plain Greek yogurt tastes similar to sour cream, but thats what makes it so versatile! It can be used to tame sweet dishes, or in place of sour cream in any dish. My favorite ways to use it as a replacement is to spread it on warm corn tortillas before adding eggs (breakfast tacos) or any meat. It also works in chili, curry, soups, or in/on enchiladas.
If you’re unsure about this magical ingredient, start with a single 6oz. serving of Greek yogurt and test it out. I’m sure once you try it you’ll be buying the big tub and using it daily! Do you have other great ways to use Greek yogurt? Let me know on my instagram post!